29 Easy Tree Drawing Ideas: Perfect for Beginners

Easy Tree Drawing Ideas: Drawing trees can be a fun and easy activity for kids of all ages! Whether you’re just starting out or already love to draw, these simple tree drawing ideas will help you create beautiful pictures in no time. From big, leafy oak trees to tall, slender pine trees, you’ll learn how to draw them step by step.

With just a pencil and some paper, you can bring nature to life right on your page. So grab your drawing tools and get ready to explore the wonderful world of Easy Tree Drawing Ideas. Let’s get started and have some creative fun together!

Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Drawing trees can be a fun and simple activity for kids! With easy step-by-step Easy Tree Drawing Ideas, you can create beautiful trees like oaks and pines. Grab your pencil and paper, and explore the wonderful world of Easy Tree Drawing Ideas let’s start drawing!

Maple Tree – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Let’s draw a simple and beautiful maple tree! First, start by drawing a straight line for the trunk of the tree. Next, from the top of the trunk, draw a few branches spreading out in different directions. Now comes the fun part—drawing the leaves! Maple leaves are unique and look a bit like stars with pointed tips.

On each branch, draw several of these star-shaped leaves to make your tree look full and lively. Take your time and enjoy adding as many leaves as you like. Once you’re done, you’ll have a wonderful drawing of a maple tree with its iconic leaves. Great job, and keep practicing!


Tree with Bird – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Let’s draw a tree branch with a cute birdie! Start by drawing a long, straight line for the main branch. Add some smaller lines coming off the main branch to create twigs. Make your drawing special by adding little leaves here and there on the twigs.

Now, for the fun part—drawing the cute bird! Draw a small, round body standing on the branch, and don’t forget to add a tiny beak and wings. Your birdie can even have a little eye and some feathers for extra detail. There you go, you’ve created a lovely scene of a bird enjoying its day on a branch! Great job!


Apple Tree – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Let’s draw an apple tree! Start by drawing a straight line for the trunk of the tree. Next, add some little branches spreading out from the trunk. Now, draw some round, red apples hanging from the branches.

To make your tree look even more realistic, add tiny leaves at the ends of the branches. Take your time and have fun adding as many apples and leaves as you like. Voilà! You’ve created a wonderful apple tree full of yummy fruits. Great job, and keep up the creative work!


Tree with Cat – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Let’s draw a mischievous kitty climbing a tree! Begin by drawing two tall lines for the tree trunk. Next, add some branches reaching out from the trunk. Now for our curious kitty: draw the kitty’s body wrapping around the tree trunk to show that it’s climbing.

Make sure to add the kitty’s head peeking out and its little paws gripping the trunk. You can even add a long, swishy tail to show it’s having fun. And voila! You’ve created a kitty having an adventure in the tree. Great job, and enjoy your drawing!


Tree and Dog – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Let’s draw a playful puppy next to a tree! Start by sketching a tall, straight line for the tree trunk. Add small branches sticking out from the trunk to complete the tree. For the ground, draw a straight line with some tufts of grass here and there.

Now, let’s draw our furry friend! Begin with a round head, two floppy ears, and a big happy face. Next, draw its wiggly tail and four little legs. Don’t forget to add details like the puppy’s eyes and nose to make it look even cuter. There you go, you’ve created a playful puppy next to a tree! Great job!


Cherry Tree – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

This is a cherry-filled tree drawing! Start by sketching a simple tree trunk that branches out at the top. Add some wiggly branches that reach out in all directions. Next, draw lots of round cherries hanging from the branches to make the tree look full of delicious fruit.

For an extra fun touch, draw tiny dots as cherry blossoms or buds waiting to bloom. There you go, you’ve created a beautiful cherry tree filled with yummy cherries and lovely blossoms. Great job, and keep practicing your drawing skills!


Heart-shaped Tree – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Let’s create a love-filled tree! First, draw a straight brown line for the tree’s trunk. At the top of the trunk, draw a big green heart. Inside this big heart, draw another smaller heart. Keep drawing smaller hearts inside each other until it looks like a cute spiral.

This is the tree’s lovely leaf! Around your tree, draw some tiny green hearts to show love floating in the air. Now you have a tree full of love and happiness!


Treehouse – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Imagine a fun treehouse! Start by drawing a tall, straight tree trunk. On top of the trunk, draw a big, fluffy cloud shape for the leaves. Inside this cloud, draw a cute little house with a triangle roof, a door, and a window.

Just below the house, add a platform for the house to sit on. Finally, draw a long ladder on the side of the tree trunk, reaching up to the treehouse. explore the wonderful world of Easy Tree Drawing Ideas let’s start drawing! Now you have a fun and cozy treehouse drawing!


Swirl Tree – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Here’s how to draw a magical swirl tree! First, draw a tall, slightly curvy line in the center for the tree trunk. Add two branches, one going up and the other to the side, like the letter ‘Y’.

On top of each branch, draw a big spiral, like a lollipop or a snail’s shell, for the tree’s leaves. Color the trunk brown and the swirls a bright yellow. And there you have it – a magical swirl tree!


Tree by the Water – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Let’s create a beautiful tree standing by the water! First, draw three horizontal lines at the bottom to show the ground and the water’s edge. Next, draw a straight line up from the center of these lines to make the tree trunk.

At the top of the trunk, draw lots of Y-shaped lines spreading out like a fan to make the branches. Imagine each Y as a part of the tree reaching out to the sky. The branches can be different sizes, making the tree look full and leafy.

Now, you have a lovely tree standing by the water! explore the wonderful world of Easy Tree Drawing Ideas let’s start drawing!

Tree by the Water

Glowing Trees – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Let’s draw two glowing trees side by side! First, make a wavy line at the bottom for the ground. Then, draw two long lines going up for the tree trunks. Next, draw a big teardrop shape on top of each trunk for the leaves.

Inside these teardrops, add some zig-zag lines from top to bottom to make the trees look leafy. To make them magical, imagine they are glowing! Now you have two beautiful glowing trees standing together.

Glowing Trees

Windy Tree – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Let’s draw a windy tree! Start by drawing a straight line for the ground. From the ground, draw a curvy tree trunk leaning to the side, as if the wind is pushing it. Next, add long, swooshy lines coming out of the trunk to show the branches blowing in the wind.

These lines should look like the tree is waving its hair in the breeze. Imagine the wind making the branches dance and sway. explore the wonderful world of Easy Tree Drawing Ideas let’s start drawing! Now, you have a beautiful, windy tree!

Windy Tree

Autumn Tree – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Start by drawing two slightly curved lines side by side for the trunk of your autumn tree. Next, sketch out wiggly branches spreading out in different directions from the top of the trunk. Make some branches long and some short to add variety.

Now, draw small leaves on each of the branches. To show that it’s autumn, add a few fallen leaves on the ground. explore the wonderful world of Easy Tree Drawing Ideas let’s start drawing! Have fun and let your creativity shine!

Autumn Tree

Bonsai Tree -Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

This drawing is of a cute bonsai tree sitting in a little pot. Start by drawing a small oval for the pot and add a line at the top of it. For the tree’s twisty trunk, sketch a wavy line coming out of the pot.

At the top of your wavy trunk, draw some fluffy cloud-like shapes for the leaves. And there you have it, your very own little bonsai tree! explore the wonderful world of Easy Tree Drawing Ideas let’s start drawing! Have fun and enjoy your drawing!

Bonsai Tree

Tree Branch Peeking out from Wall – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

This drawing is of a tree branch peeking out from a wall! First, draw a long vertical line on the left to show the wall’s edge. Then, from the wall, draw a long branch extending out to the right. Add smaller branches sprouting from the main one, like fingers on a hand.

On these branches, draw tiny almond-shaped leaves. Now you have a branch peeking out from a wall! explore the wonderful world of Easy Tree Drawing Ideas let’s start drawing! Enjoy your drawing!

Tree Branch Peeking out from Wall

Cloud-shaped Tree – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Let’s create a magical night scene! First, draw a big, fluffy cloud at the top of your page. This cloud will be our special tree. Under the cloud, draw two straight lines going down to make the tree trunks. At the bottom, add some ground to complete the tree.

Next, draw a cute crescent moon in the top right corner of the sky. Finally, sprinkle tiny stars all around with little crosses and dots. And there you have it, a dreamy night scene with a cloud-shaped tree! 🌌✨

Cloud-shaped Tree

Willow Tree – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Let’s draw a fun weeping willow tree! Start by sketching the tree trunk with a big ‘Y’ shape. Next, add the droopy branches by drawing long, curved lines coming down from the top of the ‘Y’.

Imagine the branches like hair hanging down! From each branch, draw tiny leaves by adding small ovals. Make sure the leaves dangle like little raindrops. Have fun and get creative with your weeping willow tree!

Willow Tree

Swirly Pine Tree – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Here’s a simple and fun way to draw a pine tree! 🌲 Think of it like sketching a big, swirly ice cream cone. Start at the top with a tiny swirl, then add swirly lines beneath it, making each one a bit longer as you move downwards.

These are the tree’s branches. Finish by adding a straight vertical line at the bottom for the trunk. And just like that, you’ve created a fun, swirly pine tree!

Swirly Pine Tree

Tree and Sun -Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

To draw a simple tree with a shining sun, start with the tree. First, make a straight line for the trunk. Then, draw a big circle on top for the tree’s crown. Inside the circle, add some branches. Next, for the sun, draw a smaller circle in the sky.

Sketch little lines around the sun like rays to make it look bright and happy. Now you have a beautiful tree enjoying a sunny day!

Tree and Sun

Wavy Tree – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Here’s how you can draw a cute, wavy tree! Start by making a wobbly cloud shape for the treetop. Inside the cloud, draw tiny “3” shapes. Then, draw a long, slightly curved line from the bottom of the cloud for the trunk.

Add two smaller curved lines halfway up the trunk for branches. Color the tree bright green. Now you have a fun, wavy tree!

Wavy Tree

Palm Tree – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Imagine you’re drawing a tall tropical palm tree! Start by making a long, straight line for the trunk, adding some small horizontal lines on it to show the rough texture. Next, at the very top of the trunk, draw big, swirly lines that spread out like fireworks – these are the leaves, called fronds.

Each frond should curve down a bit, as if they are gently waving hello from a sunny beach. Make sure the fronds are big and leafy, like giant green feathers. You can add some coconuts under the leaves to make it look even more real.

Now, you have a beautiful palm tree that looks like it’s ready for a day at the beach!

Palm Tree

Tree with Polka Dot Patterns -Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Imagine drawing a vibrant tree with polka-dot leaves! Start by drawing the trunk; make it strong and straight, then add cool swirls inside the trunk with a brown color to give it a unique pattern. Now, for the tree’s crown, draw a big, fluffy cloud shape on top of the trunk.

Color this crown with a bright, cheerful green. To make it even more special, add small light green circles all over the crown – these are the polka dots. They give the tree a fun and lively texture. And there you have it, your beautiful tree, standing proudly and full of life!

Tree with Polka Dot Patterns

Rectangle-Shaped Tree -Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Imagine drawing a cute rectangle-shaped tree with pretty flowers! Start with the trunk, making it straight and sturdy. Now, at the top of the trunk, draw a big rectangle with soft, rounded corners for the tree’s crown. Inside this rectangle, draw a few gentle curves to show the tree’s branches spreading out.

Finally, add some lovely flowers scattered inside the rectangle, making the tree look cheerful and blooming. And there you have it, a delightful tree filled with flowers, ready to brighten up your drawing!

Rectangle-Shaped Tree

Tree with Triangle-Shaped Leaves -Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Imagine drawing a cool tree with triangle-shaped leaves! Start by drawing a big circle for the tree’s crown. Inside this circle, sketch a tall line with crisscross patterns like a ladder for the trunk. On top of the trunk, add a ‘Y’ shape to make the main branches.

At the ends of these branches, draw small triangle leaves, pointing outwards. Now you have a unique tree with triangle leaves, looking cool and stylish in your drawing!

Tree with Triangle-Shaped Leaves

Christmas Tree – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Imagine drawing a simple and beautiful Christmas tree! Start by drawing a small star at the very top. Right below the star, draw a triangle pointing downwards. Inside this triangle, add horizontal lines to create layers for the tree’s branches.

Repeat this step a few times, drawing larger triangles beneath each other, making the tree bigger and fuller. At the very bottom, draw a rectangle for the trunk. Ta-da! You’ve just created a beautiful Christmas tree, ready to be decorated for the holidays!

Christmas Tree

Tree with Swing – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Imagine drawing a fun tree with a swing! Start with a tall, curvy trunk that looks like the letter ‘D’, standing proudly. From one of the tree’s branches, draw two lines hanging down, connecting to a small rectangle at the bottom – this is the swing, waiting for someone to hop on and have a joyful ride!

The tree’s branches spread out, full of oval leaves that provide cool shade to anyone below. It’s the perfect spot for kids to play, feel the breeze, and enjoy a sunny day!

Tree with Swing

Triangle-shaped Tree – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Imagine drawing a triangle-shaped tree with leaves in many pretty colors! Start by drawing a big triangle for the tree’s overall shape. Inside the triangle, draw a straight line down the middle for the trunk.

Now, for the fun part, sketch oval-shaped leaves in bright colors like red, blue, yellow, and green. Place these colorful leaves all over the inside of the triangle, filling it up and making the tree look vibrant and cheerful. There you have it, a beautiful, colorful tree ready to brighten up any drawing!

Triangle-shaped Tree

Tree with Big Leaves – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Imagine drawing a tree with big green leaves! Start by drawing a tall, brown line for the tree trunk. At the top of the trunk, add a ‘Y’ shape to create the main branches. On each branch, draw a green oval for the leaves.

Make sure to draw four big, green ovals, one on each branch end. There you have it, a simple and lovely tree with big green leaves, ready to brighten up your drawing!

Tree with Big Leaves

Simple Tree – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

Imagine drawing a simple tree! Start by drawing a long, brown line in the middle for the trunk. At the top of the trunk, draw a huge green circle to create the tree’s crown.

Inside this circle, draw a branch in brown that starts from the trunk and splits into smaller lines, spreading out. And there you have it, a simple and beautiful tree, standing tall and ready to be admired!

Simple Tree

Basic Tree – Easy Tree Drawing Ideas

It’s a simple basic tree drawing! Start with the top, draw a big fluffy cloud shape for the tree’s leaves. For the tree trunk, draw two long lines coming down from the middle of the tree. Finally, let’s give our tree some texture. Draw zig-zag lines or little slants across the trunk.

Basic Tree

Explore more cute easy drawing ideas with us >>✏️


Drawing trees can be so much fun and easy with these simple ideas! You can make a tropical palm tree, a vibrant tree with polka-dot leaves, or even a Christmas tree with just a few steps. Try drawing a tree with triangle-shaped leaves, or one with a swing for extra fun.

You can also draw colorful trees with leaves in different shades or a simple tree with a huge green circle for its crown. These easy tree drawing ideas are perfect for kids who love to create and imagine. Grab your pencils and start drawing today! You’ll be amazed at how quickly you can create beautiful trees!