20 Easy Plant Drawing Ideas for Beginners Guide

Easy Plant Drawing Ideas: Hey there, young artists! 🌿 Are you ready to have some fun with drawing? Plants are all around us, and they can be super fun to draw! Whether it’s a big tree, a tiny flower, or a leafy bush, there are so many cool plants you can create with just a pencil and some paper.

In this article, we’re going to explore some easy and exciting plant drawing ideas. So grab your drawing supplies, find a comfy spot, and let’s get started on our plant adventure!

Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Creating easy plant drawings can be a delightful way to enhance your artistic skills while connecting with nature. From simple sketches of leaves and flowers to more detailed renderings of entire plants, these projects are perfect for artists of all levels.

Focusing on basic shapes and lines, you can quickly capture the essence of various plants. This guide will inspire you with straightforward ideas to bring the beauty of nature into your artwork.

Fun Plant Pots Drawing – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Look at this cool drawing of plant pots! Each pot has a different shape and pattern, making them look unique and exciting. The plants growing in the pots have various kinds of leaves and flowers, some tall and some short.

Can you spot the polka dots, stripes, and heart shapes on the pots? This drawing is a great example of how you can use simple lines and shapes to create fun and interesting plant designs. Why not try drawing your own plant pots with different patterns and see what creative ideas you come up with?

Drawing: Fun Plant Pots Drawing

Cute Cactus Drawing | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Simple Flower Vase Drawing – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Check out this pretty drawing of a flower vase! The vase has a cool zigzag pattern, making it look very stylish. Inside the vase, there are tall stems with little flowers and leaves growing on them. Each flower has small petals and looks like it’s smiling at you.

This drawing shows how easy it is to create a beautiful scene with just a few simple shapes. You can try drawing your own vase and flowers, and add your favorite patterns to make it special!

Drawing: Simple Flower Vase Drawing ⏬

Fun Plant Pots Drawing | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Cute Cactus Drawing – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Look at this adorable drawing of a cactus in a pot! The pot has wavy lines that make it look very fun and interesting. The cactus has tall, oval shapes with tiny prickles all over them. Some of the cacti even have little flowers on top.

This simple and cute drawing shows how you can make a cool cactus scene with just a few shapes. Why not try drawing your own cactus and add some of your favorite patterns to the pot?

Drawing: Cute Cactus Drawing ⏬

Simple Flower Vase Drawing | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

A Cup of Growing Joy – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

This drawing shows a cute, simple picture of a teacup filled with small plants. The teacup is decorated with little hearts, making it look extra sweet and friendly. Tall, thin plants with leaves grow out of the cup, reaching up high.

The cup sits on a saucer, just like a real teacup would. Imagine the plants getting taller and the cup staying just as cute! It’s a fun and happy picture, perfect for anyone who loves plants and tea.

Drawing: A Cup of Growing Joy ⏬

A Cup of Growing Joy | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

A Happy Little Plant – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

This drawing shows a cheerful little plant growing in a pot. The pot has small dots all over it, making it look cute and interesting. The plant has a few big leaves that are stretching up and out, as if they are reaching for the sun.

The leaves are simple and easy to draw, perfect for kids who want to try drawing their own plants. Imagine taking care of this plant and watching it grow every day. It’s a sweet and fun picture that will make you smile!

Drawing: A Happy Little Plant ⏬

A Happy Little Plant | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

A Cactus in a Watering Can – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

This drawing shows a funny and creative picture of a cactus growing out of a watering can. The watering can has cute patterns with zigzags and little shapes, making it look special. The cactus has many oval shapes stacked on top of each other, with tiny spikes sticking out.

It’s a unique and playful idea, like using a watering can as a plant pot! Imagine this cactus sitting on your windowsill, adding some fun to your room. It’s a cool and easy picture that kids will enjoy coloring and imagining.

Drawing: A Cactus in a Watering Can ⏬

A Cactus in a Watering Can | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

A Plant in a Pail – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Here is a lovely plant growing in a pail! The plant has many leaves on its long, thin stems, making it look lively and full. The pail is simple with a handle on the side, perfect for carrying around.

Each leaf is small and pointed, and there are so many of them! The plant seems to be very happy in its pail home. Let’s grab some crayons and color this picture to make it even more fun!

Drawing: A Plant in a Pail ⏬

A Plant in a Pail | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

A Fish Tank with Plants – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

This drawing shows a small fish tank with three green plants growing out of it. The fish tank has a cute little blue fish swimming inside. The plants have big, green leaves and look very healthy. The fish looks happy, swimming around in its cozy home.

This picture combines the beauty of nature with the fun of having a pet fish. It shows how plants and fish can live together in a small, happy world.

Drawing: A Fish Tank with Plants ⏬

A Fish Tank with Plants | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Flower Vase Drawing – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

This is a drawing of a vase with two flowers. The vase is round at the bottom and narrow at the top. It has a colorful design with squares and wavy lines.

Two green stems come out from the vase. Each stem has a bright pink flower on top. The flowers look like hearts. The background is plain and white.

Drawing: Flower Vase Drawing ⏬

Flower Vase Drawing | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Colorful Balloons in a Vase – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

This drawing shows a cheerful bunch of colorful balloons. The balloons are round and come in green, blue, pink, and orange colors. They are floating from a yellow vase with spots on it. The vase has a pattern of circles and a nice top edge design.

It looks like a fun and happy picture. Kids might enjoy looking at it and thinking about parties or celebrations. The artwork is simple and cute, perfect for young children.

Drawing: Colorful Balloons in a Vase ⏬

Flower Vase Drawing | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Curly Cactus in a Pot – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

This drawing shows a funny curly cactus plant. The cactus has long, twisty arms that curl around. Each arm has little spikes sticking out. The cactus is growing in a round pot.

The pot has a striped pattern at the bottom. It looks very interesting and unique. Kids might think it’s a cool and silly plant. The picture is easy to understand and fun to look.

Drawing: Curly Cactus in a Pot ⏬

Curly Cactus in a Pot | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Cactus in a Bottle – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

This drawing shows a small cactus growing inside a bottle. The cactus is green with tiny spikes and has an orange flower on top. The bottle is filled with brown soil at the bottom. The cactus looks cozy and safe inside the clear bottle.

It’s a cute and interesting picture. Kids might think it’s neat to see a plant living in a bottle. The drawing is simple and colorful, making it fun to look.

Drawing: Cactus in a Bottle ⏬

Cactus in a Bottle | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Bright Purple Flowers – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

This is a simple drawing of two bright Purple flowers. Each flower has five petals and a small, curved line inside each petal. The flowers are on thin, black stems that curve slightly. Below the flowers are two big, green leaves with a smooth surface.

The background is a light, textured white, making the flowers and leaves stand out. The drawing looks cheerful and can make you feel happy.

Drawing: Bright Purple Flowers ⏬

Bright Yellow Flowers | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Colorful Flower Pot – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

This is a drawing of a cute flower pot. The pot has a fun shape with six sides. It is decorated with colorful patterns, including purple and yellow dots. Inside the pot, a tall flower with three pink blooms is growing. The green leaves and stems make the flower look lively.

The background is plain, which makes the colorful pot and flowers stand out. This drawing is simple yet cheerful, perfect for kids who love art.

Drawing: Colorful Flower Pot ⏬

Colorful Flower Pot | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Sunny Yellow Flowers – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

This is a drawing of some sunny yellow flowers. The flowers have five petals each and are bright yellow. There are three flowers in the picture, each on its own green stem. The stems have long, curved green leaves that look like grass.

The flowers are simple and cheerful, making the drawing feel happy. The background is plain, so the flowers really stand out. This drawing is great for kids who enjoy colorful and easy-to-draw flowers.

Drawing: Sunny Yellow Flowers ⏬

Sunny Yellow Flowers | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Simple Pink Flowers – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

This is a drawing of two simple pink flowers. Each flower has four petals shaped like hearts. The flowers are on long, green stems that curve gently. The drawing is very plain, with no leaves or background details.

The flowers look like they are swaying in the wind. The grid background makes the drawing look neat and organized. This picture is perfect for kids who like easy and quick flower drawings.

Drawing: Simple Pink Flowers ⏬

Simple-Green-Flowers | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

A Simple Flower Drawing – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

This drawing shows a simple yet beautiful picture of two flowers. The flowers have bright pink petals and long green stems. They are placed in a clear vase with a wide bottom and a narrow top.

The vase is outlined in black and has a gentle, curvy shape. The background is plain, making the flowers and vase stand out. This picture is easy to understand and is perfect for kids to enjoy!

Drawing: A Simple Flower Drawing ⏬

A Simple Flower Drawing | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Tall Vase with Flowers – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

This drawing shows a tall vase with two lovely flowers. The flowers have orange petals and long green stems. One stem even has a small leaf on it. The vase is tall and narrow, with a few dots near the bottom.

The simple lines make the drawing look neat and elegant. The background is plain, so the flowers and vase are easy to see.  This picture is perfect for kids to enjoy and understand!

Drawing: Tall Vase with Flowers ⏬

Fun Plant Pot Drawing | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Yellow Flower in a Pot – Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

This drawing shows a pot with a beautiful yellow flower. The pot has fun patterns, like stripes and zigzags, making it look colorful and interesting. The flower has bright yellow petals and a thin, green stem.

There are also some green leaves on the stem. The pot sits on a plain background, making the flower stand out. Kids will love this cheerful drawing!

Drawing: Yellow Flower in a Pot ⏬

Yellow Flower in a Pot | Easy Plant Drawing Ideas

Explore more cute easy drawing ideas with us >>


Drawing plants can be a fun and creative activity for kids. With these easy plant drawing ideas, you can explore the beauty of nature and learn to draw different types of plants step by step. Whether it’s a simple flower, a tall tree, or a leafy bush, each drawing helps improve your skills and boosts your imagination.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep trying and don’t worry about making mistakes. Every artist starts with simple drawings and grows better over time. So, grab your pencils, use these ideas, and let your creativity bloom! Happy drawing!